And beer it is. One liter, please...cold, refreshing. The barmaids are equally famous...this was just after Oktoberfest, so they are just relaxing from fetching 12 one liter mugs each one is carrying 2 large and 2 small beers...
But imagine, 12 one liter jugs...6 in each arm...each weighing more than a kilo...(1 liter of water weighs 1 kg...but add the mug, which is quite substantial in weight too). And she's fast!
At one corner, I spied rows and rows of lockers...for regulars who own and use their own mugs to lock them up, after they have had their drink.
To rouse up the mainly tourist, but also locals, an ompapa band plays on one corner of this huge establishment...
And the food? Standard Bavarian fare...schweinshaxe, sausages, and schnitzel...
If I said this was the best schneitzel I have ever eaten, I'd be lying. But its rather enjoyable. The meat was cooked well, nice crisp breaded exterior...
But we are not here for the food...nor the beer, which is bloody good, I must say. But to soak in the atmosphere. The huge, cavernous beerhouse has plenty to offer...and has been doing so for almost 500 years. So be a sport. Have a liter or two when in Munich at the Hofbrauhaus.
Platzl 9 80331 München, Germany
089 290136100
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